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Should us whole food plant based consumer's take an Algae based DHA and EPA supplement?
Fruit is simple sugar. Isn't it? However, isn't fruit a major part of an anti-inflammatory diet?
Can we stop and look at the body fat of the guy talking about nutrition?😳
Hi there An absolutely spell binding talk that everyone should hear. I come to it as a 66 year old semi-athlete suffering from time to time soft tissue /tendon injuries. My initial problem was determining how to recover as quickly as possible . To this end I considered taking anti-imflammatory meds such as ibuprofen etc. This is the going belief among fitness medical professionals. Having treated the pain from the injury over a long term period with regular ibuprofen… and having not been able to shake the injury , I started to suspect that the ibuprofen was slowing the repair of my tendons . Having heard that chronic imflammation may be cancer inducing, I am now conflicted about stopping the ibuprofen. I would love to hear you thoughts on this area. Dan
Short term thinking is what keeps people poor. The long term savings of an energy efficient house saves you money many times over. Short term thinking will keep your poor. It is a hard but necessary lesson to learn. Spending a little more upfront can pay dividends in the future. This is also true with your health. What you eat as a young person will impact you later in life. You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
Lower stress, reduce obesity, get enough sleep and more exercise are key to a healthy life.
Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
Fast food and sugary drinks including fruit juices are contributing to the problem of poor health and obesity.
Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
Reduce or ELIMINATE cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables. Eliminate fast food, snacks like cookies, cakes, chips, and sugary drinks and juices.
Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
Every city should be a bicycle city.
Speak up for bicycles in your community
You should have made clear that extra virgin olive oil is for eating raw and not for cooking.
People cook with olive oil and fry stuff and think they are doing the right thing.
A podcast on which oil to use for cooking and the general paradigm of using olive oil as a healthy oil may be helpful.
Excellent information!
Great!!! Along with this you should include Planet Ayurveda's Detox tea as it keep you bay from any kind of inflammatory processes.
You have helped e understand aging-it’s both biological and chronological . People often underestimate my age, I say this is what 83 looks like. It probably has to do with inherited hair color (slow to gray) , exercise and diet. You have also helped me understand my morbidly obese friends.
I pick DHA and EPA from algae oil
Great interview. Philip Calder was very clear and knowledgeable. Thank you
the professor didn't mention where fish get omega 3 from – seaweed – so stop killing fish
Thank you for this clear information about inflammatory condition.
Pity the interviewer keeps inter jetting with stupid unnecessary comments. Cant he just listen?
Allen Brenda Taylor Dorothy Williams Shirley
🤦🏻♀️”but the fish need it and we need to farm them”
Sorry, but wtaf?
We do NOT need farmed salmon. We need global supply of plant based EPA and DHA. The original producers of these fatty acids are algae. Fish accumulate it in their bodies. Algae are 1000 times easier to farm than salmon!
Fish like mackerel are loaded with environmental heavy poisons, heavy metals and nasty stuff.
The reality is that plant based foods are the only way to go without destroying the environment. Plants are unlimited resources if cared for.
How do we even know if we've got inflammation in the gut? If my CRP is less that 1, does that mean that I don't have it? Grateful for anyone who can help please as there's not much point in getting all hung up about this stuff if we don't have a problem in the first place. Thanks.
Brilliant episode
"We will show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that this ˹Quran˺ is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a Witness over all things? (Qur’ān 41: 30)
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Every disease has a cure. If a cure is applied to the disease, it is relieved by the permission of Allah Almighty.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2204
Excellent information.
The expert seems has inflammation… due to his big belly…
Curcumin capsules by planet Ayurveda have high anti-inflammatory action.
Just by seeing the guy, eggs and sirloin steak will kill you, eat broccoli and oats. Fiber and more fiber.
I was always told that red meat was the most non-inflamatory food we could eat. Has this changed?
Coconut oil for cooking
I liked you brought up fish farming but Professor Calder did not bring up algae based EPA and DHA which is better than eating fish since it is what fish eat in nature. Plus what about mercury and plastics found in fish. Oh, he did ad an end note on plant based sources but apparently has not read much research on it.
Going to a doctor in the uk is a complete waste of time, one has to take responsibility for one’s health more now than ever.
Inflammation foods:
1. Simple sugars- ex. softdrinks
2. High saturated fat
3. Red fatty meat
Anti-inflammation : add the meals.
1. Extra virgin olive oil
2. Nuts,
3. Vitamin C
4. Omega 3 fatty acids ( EPA & DHA supplements)
Salmon, sardines, fish oil, mackerel,
5. Fiber – slow down digestion
6. Vit E, polyphenols ( in berries)
What about hemp hearts for omega 3's???
The metaphors drive me crazy, but I love the science.
As far as I know Zoe recommends seed oils like canola.
Will, in the near future, scientist be able to stop hair loss?
Let the dr speak pl
Excellent commentary …yet again.
There's a saying: "do what they preach, don't do what they do".
What has the interviewee done that made him in such a heavy, puffy state , while talking about food nutrition and anti inflammation….?
Stress, stress, stress and stress!
Obesity and or fat and he is fat. I have a HARD time loosing my 30 pounds! i tru carn, veg, I don't eat dairy or gluten or sugar! I do need to 100% stop booze. UGH!
Lots of people mentioning things they didn’t manage to cram in to an hour podcast 🙄
This was frustrating to watch. The Prof had so much great information but kept on being interrupted. It's one thing to interrupt to ask him to explain EPA and DHA for eg, completely understandable but the host seemed to like the sound of his voice far too much. The Prof explained things well in most cases, no need to summarize so much except at the end.
Thank you so much. In 70 years of doctors saying inflammation and many others waffling on even on You Tube….. You are the first person who actually explained what inflammation is.
The Dutch have plastic in their blood, what will it do to their bodies?
Hydrogenated oils is the real cause of inflammation and yet never mentioned mind boggoling
Is all that belly fat inflammatory? because many doctors claim the belly fat causes many problems
Why has he got a huge belly?