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1 comment
No More Colds
Common colds and flus ae caused by viruses so antibiotics do not work and are not effective in combatting them. Standard treatment has been to use over-the-counter cold medications to relieve symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, stuffy nose, and cough. All the medications treat the symptoms not eradicating colds and flus. My pharmacist said that all these pharmaceutical companies spend countless millions of dollars researching and making products for colds making products for the relief of colds and flus why can’t they spend the money to find a cure for colds and flus. The answer in my mind is that they can, but they won’t.
Apple Cider Vinegar Hypothesis
Apple Cider Vinegar treatments create a medium in the Nares, Nasal and Sinus Cavities where Viruses and other Microbes cannot incubate thereby preventing and curing colds.