The Holistic Health and Fitness initiative created a paradigm shift in Soldier readiness with its introduction in 2020.
Once the H2F operating concept was released, Army units around the world had to overcome the obstacle of creating training spaces that met commander’s intent without obvious solutions.
According to the Army, the ultimate vision of H2F is to provide each brigade with an H2F campus to include a Soldier Performance Readiness Center, ACFT testing lanes and track, a terrain running course, sheltered strength training racks, and containerized strength equipment.
Enter BeaverFit, with space and time saving solutions for all of the above.
“We’re the defense contractor for the Soldier Weapon System,” said Michael Taylor, BeaverFit USA co-founder and veteran. “We’re here to surround that weapon system with the equipment and facilities needed to optimize them for resiliency and lethality under any mission essential task. That’s our clear vision.”
“We’re not a commercial fitness company with solutions that have been designed for someone else that we’re trying to push to the military,” added Alex Roodhouse, BeaverFit USA co-founder and veteran. “We’re listening to the military’s requirements and designing solutions based on what is actually needed in the field.”
Let’s take a look: