The first time in the OR during a surgery rotation can be incredibly intimidating for a medical student. After my first 2 rotations in …
The first time in the OR during a surgery rotation can be incredibly intimidating for a medical student. After my first 2 rotations in …
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Hope everyone found the video helpful 😀 I’d love for any other med students, residents or staff physicians who come across this video to leave your own tips in the comments below too! It’ll go a long way towards helping out some future students 🔥
First week out of surgery clerkship. Regarding sutures: basic un-interrupted skin might not be enough. Surgeons at my institution are expecting students to do deep dermal. They can help teach but it’s best if you go in knowing them.
Watching this on the evening before my surgery rotation..I’m full of anticipation for now..😊
Great video!
broooo! these tips were amazing! I found them super helpful and can't wait to start my surgery block!
Hey, I can't remember if I made a follow up comment. But a few videos ago I had left feedback about the volume of music vs your vlogs and I can see/hear that there's been a change in all your recent vids. Just wanted to say it's very comfortable now. Thanks for being so receptive and responsive to feedback! Good ol' MacMed feedback at work 😛 haha
Thanks for all your tips too, can't wait to apply them when I start clerkship. Your vids are a great resource.
Hey! I applied to ryerson Biomed long before I ever discovered your channel. As every premed I am cautiously yet not optimistically waiting on Mac Health Sci (which has been my number one choice for years). That being said and assuming I don’t get in, I have an offer for both rye Biomed and western med sci. For economic reasons I really want to stay home at go to ryerson, but I am aware of the differences in med school matriculation between the programs. I am well aware that undergrad doesn’t matter but I do believe that the opportunities in research at western are beneficial to an applicant. I was just wondering if you would could let me know things you wish you knew about rye Biomed (how to find research opportunities, ‘grizzly bear classes” etc), it would be much appreciated😎
Do you have any advice on How to stop comparing yourself to others? Because I’m struggling so much with that that it’s often keeping me up so late at night because my anxiety would spike up.
Same sterile glove size!
Do surgeons allow first year neurosurgery residents to assist in surgery sometimes?
Great tips, as always👍🏾
wow that's some good tips! your video passes by so quickly!
Only an M1 so still got a while before rotations but these are great tips, thank you!