I wanted to make a quick video for you all with my best advice to survive the holidays. This time of year is perfect to also send a …
Health Tips to Survive the Holidays

I wanted to make a quick video for you all with my best advice to survive the holidays. This time of year is perfect to also send a …
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My fav encyclopaedia.
thanks so much for all the valuable information.There was a controversial study which stated IF is associated with heart attack and sudden death which demotivated many but by enlarge followers have ignored that lone study
when fasting, I only need 4.5-5 hours sleep vs normally 6.
Thank you so much 🎩🙏🤗
You are against refined sugar, but American Heart Association recommend 9 teaspoons of refined sugar per day for men.
Thank you 🙏🏼
Thanks for your advice. You’re the best.
Thank you 🙏
Thanks, encouraging and excellent Holiday tips!
Your a great Doc ❤❤
nobody is perfect and 100% right but you are as close as it’s gets. Keep doing what you’re doing
would love to see you
Fiber: 2 kinds of fiber, so both fiber and insoluble fiber.
The insoluble fiber does no good, bacteria cannot digest it. This is the cellulose fibers, the husks the bran, the seeds. The insoluble fibers can damage your intestines, spit them out.
The good fiber which can feed the bacteria is only the soluble fiber which is like a gel. Soluble fiber is pectin, found in apples and fruits and berries and other soluble fibers found in okra and beans.
Only eat soluble fiber gel, do not eat insoluble hard cutting and scraping damaging fibers.
Hope i can interview you sir..im from Philippines🇵🇭
Finally got my doctor to listen to you! Now he can be a better physician! I appreciate you.
I eat like he says but one problem is I eat 5 or 6 times a day ,I don't eat 3 bigger meals,idk
just what i needed to hear — makin' vegetable soup : )
wow this is genius …thank you doctor youre a blessing
Thank you, Dr. J! You really changed my life for the better! Thank you for all that you do.
do you have a intermittent diet plan that i could follow. absolutely love your advise. thank you
Thankyou dr..I will follow all after by exams
Doctor PJ thanks a lot for your wonderful , practical advice packed with warmth, concern , kindness and that naughty smile which gives hope, and confidence to one who is thirsty for knowledge to get out of health issues. I like the way when you say , we shouldnt be eating only for ourselves but also for our gut friendly bacteria.
Best part is you dont advertise anything and really want good health for all. ❤❤❤❤
Thank you brother. I just finished a 8 day water fast and I am so thankful for your shares it kept me going and inspired me to keep going.
great job
Simply awesome!!! God bless you Doc!! 🙌💐🙏
I went straight to ordercinukin FOS with 2.6 g fiber per serving but then I wondered, why did you not mention sprinkling chia seeds on meals instead? 3 TBS is 10 grams of fiber. Is there a reason that the insulin is better or is it beneficial to use chia? I eat at least 3 TBS each day. They are delicious in a bowl with blackberries and kefir.