Is taking up veganism one of your New Year's resolutions? A well-planned vegan diet can be delicious, nutritious, and …
Is taking up veganism one of your New Year's resolutions? A well-planned vegan diet can be delicious, nutritious, and …
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I tried veganism for 2 years. It ruined my health. I’m quitting. I think these documentaries are just pysop to get people sick and kill them (please wake up and find the real agenda of WEF etc), if they are too stubborn to continue on the veganism path.
This video is complete trash information. I wouldn't be surprised if it's sponsored by the meat and dairy industries.
Jesus loves you please repent the time is now❤️
Even if you eat some animal foods you still may be deficient in certain nutrients, even B12 ironically. I'm not sure what study it was from regarding the B12 I mentioned. It may have been the "twin" study or another.
B12 is available in a tiny, cherry flavored supplement. It's also in fortified cereals and plant milk. This is some gnarly propaganda. Shame on you, BBC
I'm 36 & have been vegan/plant-based for almost 13 years; 8 years for my husband (41). Neither of us have ever been deficient in anything. No medications, no supplements, & we get regular check-ups. 🥰
💚B-12: nutritional yeast & seaweed
💚Iodine: seaweed & sea veggies
Vegans live on average 15 years longer than non vegans So basically vegans can still get everything they need this is conformation bias rubbish
Vegan for the animals 25years and going strong! I feel healthier and better than ever. I do supplement with B12 but eating nutritional yeast is one of my go to as well. Heating plant has given me such a higher vibration and so much more energy. I also feel great for saving so many animals lives. So many people say they love animals, but they eat them, which makes no sense.Just morally and ethically wrong.
These deficiencies are seen in meat eaters too, seems this data in not backed by true test results on Vegans as well as Non Vegans.
Please watch documentary The Game Changers, you will find how people are going for big achievements with Vegan diet
Plant sources of choline…
Brussels sprouts
Sunflower seeds
❤❤❤სუპერ ბრავო! საქართველოდან!
No research cited and many false claims about not being able to, or it being difficult to get b12
And other vitimans and nutrients
an absolute load of bolocks.
Those hippies should've went to school before they protest about things they aren't properly informed on
Looks like joseph goebbels propaganda
The modern warrior follows the path of honor and rejects violence. A true warrior has compassion for the weak and for animals. The greatest cowardice of a human being is to kill animals. And even greater cowardice is to pay hired killers, i.e., butchers and meatpacking plants and supermarket chains, for meat. None of them would kill animals, birds, or fish if evil people who eat meat didn’t pay them money for the meat.
A true warrior follows the path of abstinence and compassionate behavior. Do you know how much pain and suffering one piece of schnitzel or any other piece of meat that you didn’t need to eat causes innocent animals? You are not on a deserted island where you have to eat the meat of the dead. Stores are full of tasty cakes, pies, rolls, bread, pastries, pasta, cheese, cottage cheese, spreads, chocolate, cakes, sweets, chips, fries, veggie and raw pizza, melons, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, beer and wine… You can overeat with a vegetarian diet and not gain weight. Have you ever seen an obese vegetarian warrior?
A ninja must not eat meat because meat causes a smelly body odor like fat people smell, so that smell would give him away. Imagine a ninja on the ceiling, and you enter the room and smell sweat – you would immediately be on alert and escape before the ninja attacks you.
Furthermore, a vegan and vegetarian diet has many health benefits. Studies show that people who do not eat meat have a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. A plant-based diet is also more environmentally sustainable and reduces each individual's ecological footprint. If you don’t eat meat long-term, i.e., for more than 20 years, or have not eaten it since childhood, you significantly reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart attack. Cancer, stroke, and heart attack are primarily diseases caused by overeating meat. Every day, people who overeat meat die young, before the age of 40. When a bodybuilder who overeats meat dies, like Ilja or Rich, it’s well-known. They didn’t die because of steroids but because of overconsumption of meat. Vegetarian Bill Pearl took the most harmful steroids, like methyltestosterone, and lived healthily for almost a hundred years. He died in an accident with a lawnmower with a healthy heart and liver because he didn’t eat meat. Even though his parents fed him meat as a child, as an adult, he decided to stop eating meat.
Adopting a vegetarian lifestyle means not only compassion for living beings but also contributing to the protection of our planet for your children and grandchildren.
There are plenty plant-based sources of Choline such as beans, wheat, and cruciferous vegetables. B12 is in plenty of plant -based milks and Spirulina which also contains iodine. And omega-3‘s are prevalent in flaxseed and walnuts. you don’t need meat for any of these things that you brought up. that was a very biased report which was inaccurate and so many ways.
There are plenty plant-based sources of Choline such as beans, wheat, and cruciferous vegetables. B12 is in plenty of plant -based milks and Spirulina which also contains iodine. And omega-3‘s are prevalent in flaxseed and walnuts. you don’t need meat for any of these things that you brought up. that was a very biased report which was inaccurate and so many ways.
The biggest pile of RUBBISH I have ever heard..
Dont you just like seeing the toxic vegans butthurt by the truth?
To me this sounds more like a phamaceutical advertisment on the need to consume supplments. I took the BBC to be a serious source of information.
Disgusting video trying to influence people’s mind against veganism spreading misinformation and biased “facts” with no source
Where do vegans get their creatine from?
Boy oh boy doesn't this irk me. So obviously, the animals get these nutrients from their food, right? Like let's think critically ma'am. The implied claim is that meat and animal products are a natural food group which vegans choose to unnaturally cut out of their diet which is like totally false, like huh? Obviously eating the body of another healthy animal (or human, for that matter) is a shortcut for getting at the nutrients we need which obviously the animal had, but that doesn't mean that it's a healthy practice. The ironic thing about this is that the animals which are slaughtered for you to have meat on your table were most likely given B12 vitamin supplements because in farm environments the animals don't have access to the natural sources of B12 they have in the wild. It's so depressing to see the BBC disseminating such an ignorant and erroneous concept of veganism. A plant based diet is the only way to be natural, healthy and compassionate, so shet your head!
So much inspiration in every video—thank you for being such a positive influence.
Wow well meat and dairy subsidized to create this. Can’t be further from the truth. A true raw vegan will have better cognitive brain function than any meat eater, in fact iq tests have proven just that. Not to mention the mortality rates. Please trash this if you see it. This is marketing trash to desperately revive a dying belief that dead flesh with secondhand and amino acids are actually healthy.
I am Plant Based, and have watched maybe 5000 hours of lectures on nutrition, and had never heard of this Coline deficiency. After a very short investigation, turns out the idea of this coline deficiency is disinformation straight from the animal products industry.
I want to say I'm surprised, but it's what I've come to expect from the modern BBC.
What is this bs
This is wild. When I was vegetarian for a few months, I didn’t have brain fog, low mood, fatigue, etc. I actually felt more energised and with a clearer head. Switched back to meat and the brain fog was back, cholesterol was high, etc. I’m not saying vegetarianism is for everyone but it sure is better for me. This video is biased.