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How to stay healthy? | Health tips for 40+ age group | Dr. Veena Pradhan

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Ji veena ji bhot accha lega ji superb thanks ji
This is such a great video on combating fatigue, Doctor! I used to feel constantly drained, but after taking Planet Ayurveda’s energy-boosting supplements, I feel more lively and productive. Even my co-worker mentioned feeling more energetic after trying them too!
It looks like this advice is for old ladies who are 80+ who are extremely weak and can not eat much and can not do gym etc. 40+ is middle age young people. They should eat as much as like a young person 20+ eat enough n gym enough n eat healthy which every 20+ is need
Indre dhanush ki thaali😅banayega kon???? Ek to kaam kar kar ke thak jate Hain uper se itni variety ke pakwaan , na baba nahi ho payega😅
Please make a video on healthcare….at or after 50 years of age + the tests to be done on regular basis + mental health & information on excercise to be done…..thank you
Foolish things said by you,
If u eat all d day then when u will detox ur body??
Very nice video
Mam my age is 44 plz suggest home made healthy drink
Mam my age is 44 plz suggest home made healthy drink
Thank you
Mam I am concern about my mother regarding some issues of back, leg pain can u please make some suggestions regarding nutrious food for women of above 45 yrs🙏🙏
Beautiful video… So simple and informative
I am wondering why only 3.5 k views. If we are Indian women we must not only watch this but also send this to all know female near and after 40. We Indian women need good advice on health concerns and every single word of her is pure gold.
Very nice advice for healthy diet like satrangi thali and good lifestyle in a very simple way thanks mam
Very nice advice for healthy diet like satrangi thali and good lifestyle in a very simple way. Thanks mam
मैं आपका क्लीनिक कहां पर है
बहुत ही सराहनीय कार्य मैडम
Thanks alot ma'am
ग्वालियर की सुप्रसिद्ध स्त्री एवं प्रसूति रोग विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर वीणा प्रधान जी के संबोधन को अवश्य। बहुत ही उपयोगी जानकारी दी गई है। 👌
This is something we can incorporate in our lives for healthy life. And not everyone gives us this detailed knowledge.
Very informative video for every women
Very informative for middle aged ladies who are unaware of changes in body .Since it in Hindi ,very useful for all women’s across the society.Timely prevention of upcoming diseases is better than cure at later stage.Excellent topic .👏👏👍
Very Nicely explained and informative.
Very nice & informative mam, thanks to sharing with us🙏
गागर मे सागर भर दिया आपने मैडम, जैसा की कहा गया है की पहला सुख निरोगी काया, आपके वीडियो हमेशा शरीर को निरोग बनाने बाले होते है 🙏🙏
कृपया वीडियो निरंतर जारी रखे
Nice Video for every Women 👍👍
Very nice information
Nice मेम
Very good advice for healthy lifestyle👌👌
Wowwww 💖💖……what a wonderful n useful information for all of us in a very simple n touchy way,💖
Definitely we will follow it give ourselves a healthy lifestyle
Best advice 👌
Very nice information….