Nutritionist Dr. David Katz joins WIRED to answer your nutrition questions from the internet. How do you change your metabolism?
Nutritionist Dr. David Katz joins WIRED to answer your nutrition questions from the internet. How do you change your metabolism?
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Organic does use pesticides. But they are natural. They are still bad
So should I do keto or not ?
'keto restricts fuel to the brain'
how did this fraud get a medical license?
what if i am used to dark chocolate and i still eat the whole bar? lol
I mean, none of this advice is necessarily wrong but if you could get someone with a less awful background then him, that would be great. Don't need someone who signed up to the pseudo science Barrington declaration. Or wrote reviews for his own book written under a false name. Shows his ego trumps facts and science and the former, a disregard for the lives of disabled and the elderly.
Intermittent fasting worked beautifully for me
comparing gorillas and horse to us hahaha (they have completely different digestion systems) . this guy tells us we could eat grass all day and end up jacked ?? like this is oversimplification for his vegan propaganda
"too much protein". yeah right, but what if you follow a nice lets say 2300 diet, with maybe 120grams of protein, and less carbs, and you do hypertrophy training. as long as you are not in a caloric surplus i dont see how that "excess protein" would be "stored" as fat. not to mention the proteins TEF (30% of the cals)
America has been following the pronouncements of nutritionists for decades, and Americans are bigger and fatter than ever. Change my mind.
A little to trust someone on nutrition who says "buy organic because pesticides are bad"… that isn't what organic means. It doesn't mean pestiside free. Organic foods still use pesticides,
What's your opinion on protein powders?
Can a dietitian do this topic?
Fun fact u can increase ur metabolic rate by adding more muscles. Yap yap
eat meat don't listen to this programed slave
Wired has never dissapointed me with their guests on Tech Support. Kudos
eat meat
Organic does NOT mean no pesticides, THIS SERIES literally taught me that ten minutes ago.
"Biomedical Scientist answers Pseudoscience Questions" is the episode in question.
TIL "girl dinner" is a thing, and not as cannibalistic as it sounds.
8:16. Fun fact Organic foods do indeed have pesticides, however they are pesticides that are not synthesized but instead found. And he says that they should not be in our diet, when the amount of pesticides in the food being consumed is so diluted that you will not be effected by it.
No is the answer.
i very much like this guy's style. He's just giving data, not lecturing.
I wish I had this guy as a father figure lol
It's so hard to accept information, if one expert tells you something and another one tells you the opposite. Plus I'm old, so I can remember how the conventional wisdom about food and about exercise changed and even switched back and forth between the same ideas over the years.
Would love another vid of this!
Guess what…..most of the American population is metabolic unhealthy. Stop telling people to eat carbs when they already eat way to many carbs. Calories are not equal.
No, you need more protein. Americans don't get nearly enough protein.
"eat food, not too much, mostly meat"
Fixed it.
After his first answer I knew he doesn't know what he talking about π too much protein
The waist size measurement is such BS. A 6 food 4 inch person can have a larger waist than someone much shorter while being in perfect physical condition.
10:50 How about zero sugar soda? Should have been mentioned…
Tons of false information here!
Fantastic talk
But the real reason of longevity on the blue zone is the community way of living. So the real reason is the people are supported and not let to die alone.
Whole food plant based π± – for health and longevity – for the environment (number one personal thing to help climate change crisis) – for the antibiotic resistance situation – nicer to animals
Win win win win!
Best diet? Almost everything but AMERICAN diet. Americans eat rubbish
this dude lost me when he said starving the brain. Keto isnt no carbs, its eating correct amount of carbs and correct macronutrients to use fat as energy and not carbs. your body can only break down x amount of carbs per day. Also, the brain's main source of food is cholesterol. you can always tell people who were educated before modern science, they are still stuck in the "fat is bad" mindset. outdates mindsets and outdates doctors who never brush up on their medical science are the reason our country is the way it is. they are also too easily bought and paid for by the food industries which is why our country doesn't ban toxic foods like other countries do.
For girl dinner is something i crave. Something salty, something savoury, something crunchy, something sour and something sweet for dessert