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The Worst Nutrition Mistakes Every Lifter Makes

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6:18 LOLLLL ahahah
MacroFactor is amazing
Protein isn't a supplement
Misunderstanding meal frequency is the biggest gain from the video.
Would you say bulking is related to someone's weight compared to their natural set point if not lifting and just eating normally?
I was underweight by almost 20 lbs and started lifting and an aggressive bulk at the same time. It worked out well because my body wanted to gain weight and muscle. People were shocked that hadn't seen me for a while. I went from 155 to 185 lbs in around 2 years at 6 foot tall.
I don’t eat in a surpluss and just eat plenty of protein. I am lean and I still gain muscle. Best phisique ever currently
5’3” and roided out of his mind 😂😂😂
what about omg 3 ? did you think that is necessary ?
respect for the mr morale shirt.
jeff made you respect science, but he is not your savior.
For those who don't know, the Morton and colleagues study is now outdated: more protein = more ffm gain to a much larger extent
How does he do his hair, i have the straightest hair ever, so i dont think i can get texture like him
I take everything important from the people bothering me, I don't stop taking things until everything they've worked for is destroyed — even if this includes things I also believe in
The next time I rebuild my physique, I just go on TRT
Nutrition is the hardest part. All the mistakes I have made biggest is not eating enough. I used to track my calories when cutting but not bulking. And when I did track them I realised Jesus I wasn’t even eating enough. I measured how much protein I needed. 240 a day. Do you know how expensive 240 grams of protein is a day especially to eat clean? And then the surplus calories 3500. Trying to eat that in a clean way as well? I know now why Sam Sulek was shoving down giant bowls of sugary cereal etc. it’s f*cking expensive man especially when you have kids and a mortgage
Bro Jeff is my favorite character 😂😂
Eat more gain weight eat less loose weight and Bob's your uncle or nowadays you're Auntie
3:10 but what about ppl with super fast metabolism?
Jeff, isn't pre-exercise caffeine a bad idea because of how antioxidants attenuate adaptation to exercise?
Yo Jeff, I weigh around 140kg, 193cm tall and work out 2 days then 1 rest day, been training for a year and a half, how much Protein do you think I should be taking?
The worst mistake is to not take drugs
Love how you broke this down! Nutrition is such an underrated part of lifting success. Keep sharing these valuable insights!
The struggles of being a short guy and training to be big must be stressful
1.3 grams of protein per pound is the word on some new research.
6:22 mistake number 3 is wearing airpods while wearing headphones 💀
when some dude on youtube has more accurate information than teachers in school
Doesn’t make sense. You actually won’t gain to much fat if your doing cardio. Which most people skip out on. You can eat to grow just do cardio to cancel the fat to muscle ratio in growth.
one of the reasons i enjoy his videos cause his voice is calming
creatine might be good for some but people having weak kidneys(like me) should not take it. I developed a huge kidney stone which required surgery and doctor told me that it was because of the increase of creatine in my bloodstream. It's not that I overloaded myself with creatine, I used to take 3g per day which is best recommended, but I will not say that creatine is a god like magic to build muscle and people should consult a doctor before taking creatine.
But how abou gain weight😔
no two week trials. lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m eating 2-3 times a day and can maintain my body weight of 235 at 6’2” that’s for me though. Go off what your body can needs not everyone’s the same
nice video ty.
wicked Jealous of your big steppers tour shirt.
I’m no pro just at home free weight lifter but still appreciate the science behind Jeff’s knowledge and message. This helps me keep me on track and train better.! I love your channel and lifting aeries
+What was the biggest mistake in your life?
-The Biggest Beef Steak…
When calculating calories intake and macros, in a weight loss goal, should we calculate with our current weight or the weight we are aiming ?
so if someone is 350 lbs trying to lose weight they should eat 350 gms of protein?
I’m no biochemist here but I remember in class the professor explaining that EVERY chemical taken artificially(and by that I do not mean creatine isn’t naturally produced, I mean when you take it as a supplement) by your body eventually down regulates your natural production of it. So while there is extensive research showing creatine yields more muscle mass, when you stop taking it your body naturally will down regulate its natural production already. Like when you feel weaker and more fatigued after not taking it for while. It basically gives you a quick boost but then makes you reliant on it. Might as well just get to that point naturally. I know creatine keeps getting pushed but I’ve felt much better since I’ve stopped taking it. I had a setback when I stopped but now I’ve gotten stronger past it and no longer need to spend money buying that crap to stay at baseline. I recommend not taking creatine if you are in it for the long haul, you’ll get there without it. You’re just adding an expense into your wallet you don’t need
With creatine in my senior year I gained 10 pounds a week
Does anyone consume their caffeine post-workout? I do so and get so hyped up from it I usually end up going back and getting some more sets in.
@6:37 is this measurement relating to lean body mass, current weight or the weight you’re aiming to be?
This video helped me a lot as I'm someone who naturally fasts a lot of the day and becomes hungry later in the day. I've realized the quality of meals has more to do with strength gain than the amount of meals